Is it your time to Thrive?

Resilience Workshops & Coaching

Be who you owe it to yourself to be!




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How we thrive and what this means for you!

Empowering teams and individuals is what we’re passionate about. When connections & understanding are enabled the energy changes and magic happens. We all have the resources within us to achieve what is required. Sometimes life challenges us, experiences shape us and we find ourselves living a life that doesn’t always support our values.

"Resilience is being curious with courage, compassionate and passionate to create a path forwards towards the version of you that is thriving"

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Latest Projects

30 April 2024
A friend noticed my hair was different. I was too ashamed to tell her why

Sipping my drink, I looked around the huddles of my family and friends, all chatting and laughing. Weddings were always such a lovely occasion but today, I felt a little on edge. ‘So lovely to see you, Bep,’ a family friend beamed. ‘Your hair looks different.’

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4 February 2024
World Cancer Day 2024

Cancer - it's reach is immense. This past year, I've seen its impact personally on my body, when I was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour in my bowel in June 2022. 9 rounds of immunotherapy later, a bowel resection, numerous scans and the emotional turmoil of a 3rd diagnosis.......and here I am. Now actively involved […]

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15 November 2023

DEAR AUNTIJI - DO YOU KNOW THE SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER? We know that South Asian communities struggle to talk openly about Breast Cancer and also acknowledge how culturally, it can feel a bit awkward to have these chats with your loved ones, particularly with those in the older generations. Over 40% of […]

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"My mission in life is not to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style."

- Maya Angelou
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